Saturday, May 07, 2005

2am diary

pending... transcribed (and slightly modified) from diary
date in diary - 06/05/05

well i just managed to turn a really awesome night into a somewhat depressing one.

watched the second episode of Flcl. cameron gave me a lift while we listened to the new right where it belongs by nin.
totally awesome...
to robbie's and he told me about the underground bluestone soak bar - where i will be going with pplz next weekend (alex + robbie at tha least)

there i was greeted by the man himself (at robbie's house) who was more than happy to show me the three grams of maria that he bought from wazza. At his house things were rather absurd - robbie had a hole in his shower wall, a syringe on the basin, and his mum didn't like say hi... wtf?

->i've lost track of time!! when was it thati was riding back from school with teishan?... ahhh.. it was today.

  • reached 9654 mb on my downloads
then robbie and i and robbie's dad and robbie's sister and mum made our way to bennet's to see franseco Cohiso, but then his dad wouldn't let us stay afterwards and talked to him... didn't really want to stay by myself. max called
saw maeve working in some crepe' place,

frangelico: excellent jazz. the drummer was awesome even though he was a scary motherfucker. francesco did sweet solos. the bartender was this really nice girl with the most amazing voice- robbie thinks so too... drank a crazy south african drink with guarana and coco-leaf extract witha b it of kahlua.. hot stuff. no wonder i'm so energetic now...

on the way to the bar people asking directions - girl stole my sunglasses, put them on and said they were cool. everybody fucking loves my sunglasses!!!

Then, another crazy girl comes up and starts singing some song about wearing sunglasses at night + strokes my face nearly knocking them off... (insane) i was caught off guard...

the whole night robbie's dad was a bit of an a-hole. treats robbie like he's 10... though he did buy me a drink

had a sublime affogato with butterscotch shnapps (pure genius on the part of sexy-voiced bargirl)...

-> i love pissing on the tree outside the front of my house at like 2am when it's dark and there's no one around.

i could have been a bit more outgoing tonight - especially with the bargirl- should have told her that she has the voice of an auctioneer... (awesome became auction and people who are fully % auction are auctioneers)...

robbie has exposed me to the wonders of jazz... hot stuff

caught a taxi... wacky taxi driver. sorta repeated stuff and questions.. pointed out that the substance on his dashboard was in fact weed... how interesting... he offered it to me. i said i didn't smoke- but he ended up giving to me anyway... so now i can sell it... yay. it was a gram

got home and hid it in the best place ever-- INSIDE MY COMPUTER - on my cpu so it slowly smoulders and then i get stoned very gradually... just joking.. in a little box with books in it- very well hidden.. cbf explaining...

-> oh yeah - back to why the night turned depressing...
i made the mistake? of pulling out the book my glenny friends made for me before i left for italy. and reading it - all the nice things they said and stuff - DON't FORGET US etc. we love u.. blah blah . - made me realise that i have been a failure on yet another front.

i think its fucking amazing how fast a situation or feeling can change. earlier today i was feeling like a social fuckwit and demented. i was feeling jealous of freg too with leyla.
heheh this should be interesting...
then after dinner + with cameron in car, everything turned totally huge funness + happy.

then, again, things collapsed into shiteness after reading the book...

then back to happiness i swung realising that it wasn't solely my fault that i had lost contact with some people- quite a few (joyce included) didn't turn up to the pancake parlour thing... and haven't called me - so there you go. btw not saying i have no fault in the matter.
and i also realised that i have got a free gram o' weed, and that i'd had a thoroughly interesting night. so all was good...

sort shit out with andrea
not tell freg i'm jealous (useless addition to his problems)

catch up with the jing
call omar + warren (zarthustra too)


got a message from urban...
remember sitting in the bar just thinking of the infiniteness of amazing experiences one could have. i wasn't like held down by anything- just enjoying the experience- could it go on like that forever? or do we need a contrast to truly enjoy things.


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